Live chat and phone support are two popular customer service options for businesses. Both offer customers the ability to have their questions answered quickly and efficiently. However, there are distinct differences between the two that must be taken into consideration before deciding which is the best option for a business.

Pros and Cons of Live Chat

Live chat has become increasingly popular for customer service over the last few years, as it provides customers with a quick and convenient way to get their questions answered. Here are some of the advantages of using live chat:


  • Quick response times – Live chat allows customers to get answers to their questions in real-time, without having to wait on a phone call or reply to an email.
  • Increased customer satisfaction – Live chat offers customers the opportunity to get their questions answered quickly and easily, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction.
  • Cost-effective – Live chat is typically a much more cost-effective option than phone support, as businesses do not have to hire additional staff or purchase expensive phone systems.


  • Lack of personalization – Live chat does not offer the same level of personalization as phone calls. Customers may feel as though their questions are being answered by an automated system, rather than a real person.
  • Increased support costs – Live chat can be more expensive than phone support, as businesses may have to invest in additional software or hardware to enable chat.
  • Limited hours of availability – Live chat is typically only available during certain hours of the day, which can be inconvenient for customers who need help outside of those times.

Pros and Cons of Phone Support

Phone support has been a popular customer service option for many years, and it still offers several advantages over live chat. Here are some of the pros and cons of phone support:


  • Personalized support – Phone calls allow customers to speak directly with a customer service representative, which can provide them with a more personalized experience.
  • 24/7 availability – Phone support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which is convenient for customers who need help outside of normal business hours.
  • Increased credibility – A business’s phone number can be a great way to build credibility and trust with customers, as it shows that the company is serious about customer service.


  • Long wait times – Phone support can be slow and frustrating for customers, who may have to wait on hold for long periods of time.
  • High cost – Phone support is typically more expensive than live chat, as businesses will have to invest in phone systems and additional staff.
  • Limited capabilities – Phone support is limited in terms of the types of support that can be provided, as it does not offer the same level of customization as live chat.

Does customer satisfaction differ between live chat and phone support?

Live chat and phone support both have a place in today’s customer service landscape, but there are some notable differences between the two. Live chat provides customers with an instantaneous way to get help, and it’s often more convenient than having to reach out via phone. Live chat also enables customers to multitask while they get their questions answered, as they can read and respond to messages as they come in.

Phone support, on the other hand, offers a more personal experience for customers, as they can speak directly with a customer service representative in real-time. While this can provide a more personalized experience, it also requires customers to wait on hold and can be less efficient than live chat. Phone support is also more effective in certain scenarios, such as when customers need to explain complex issues that may be difficult to put into writing. Ultimately, customer satisfaction may depend on the individual situation and the customer’s preference.